Tuusig Liechter | Charte | Pinguin vo Afrika

Musicvideo – 2D-digital animation, Digital Cut Out

Sometimes our clients sing for help or rap it 😉


The swiss rapper Chandro with roots in Zug asked us to craft a video with very personal content.
We heard his rap for help and visualized the video to his personal song „Charte“.

Click here for more Music and Videoclips of Chandro and Tellirecord.


Elle et le Monsieur:

Elle et le Monsieur came to us with two catchy tunes that was missing a music videos.
The song is about a penguin who’s constantly freezing. It was a lot of fun to create all the different animals for this clip.

And the other one is a lovely song for the Christmas time.


Client – [Elle et le Monsieur](https://www.elleetlemonsieur.ch/) / Chandro
Story, Design, Animation – Eisprung Animation Studio
Used Programs – Adobe Photoshop | Adobe After Effects | Adobe Premiere Pro

TextChandro, Josha Hewitt
Beat – Flap & Shocktraderz
Musicvideo – Eisprung Animation Studio
Mix – Benedikt “Flap” Bisig | www.the-spot.ch
Master – Dan Suter | www.echochamber.ch
Label – BDD | Telli-Records | Hertzhaft
Additional Instruments – D.Sabanovic